Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Can't Catch My Thoughts

Trading air once more from the start
I can open up a thousand paper cuts
People hear what they want to hear
but they wont change a thing
Set it off
someone better hit the alarm
Set it off
someone better help me disarm myself
I dont want no one else
All I want is you

Happy Tuesday,

My neighborhood pool just opened this weekend and I went swimming for the first time, this summer, on Monday. I was pretty excited about this. I like the pool and swimming with my family and homies. Also, I'm fairly translucent, so a little sun couldn't hurt. I was pretty much at the pool the entire day. It was very chill. I loved it.

After a sweet day poolside, I joined up with some friends and went to a local show at this coffee/tea place. The bands weren't half bad. The first - that we saw, as we were a tad late - was a folksy/indie group of high schoolers, called Our American Cousin. They had a trumpet and tuba player and an accordion, so that gave them kudos in my book. The last performer was this talented blues guy. While I appreciate some blues as much as the next person, I felt some of his songs ran together a bit. Overall, though, it was fun. AND I met a new friend who bought me Turkish delight. Yummilicious!

I quite enjoyed my night. It was a nice change of pace, plus meeting new people and going new places is always fun.

Soo....DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE RELEASED CODES AND KEYS TODAY!!!! Couldn't be more stoked. Srsly, guys. I've only heard the single thus far, but anything Death Cab is sure to be a stellar musical endeavor. I've been looking forward to this album...pretty much since I heard about it. I would absolutely love to see them live and/or meet the band someday. Jason McGerr is one of my favorite drummers ever and Ben Gibbard is the man, hands down. (Not that I'm discrediting the other members, because Chris Walla adds good guitar parts and harmonies, not to mention being a great producer. Also, Nick Harmer comes up with the greatest basslines). I'm an all-around fan. These guys are definitely one of my favorite bands and really inspire me in so many ways. Do yourself a favor and have a listen.

(Sorry if my blogs seem really eclectic, I'm not very good at them)



Friday, May 27, 2011

In Your Eyes, the Light, the Heat

Good morning,

Yesterday was a fun, chill day. I slept in a bit - for whatever reason, I always sleep better when it's storming outside, which it did - and then set off on a day of thrifting with my friend Danny. He is a much more experienced bargain hunter than I, and was very helpful. I also had the privilege of riding in his brand new Jeep. We blared some Bruce Springsteen along the way and had a grand lunch of Taco Bell. (Baha Blast ftw!). It was a nice little outing and I found a few things that I liked, such as a band shirt originally marked at $20, that I purchased for $6. Woot!

I am not a huge fan of shopping, in general, but it was good friend time. Last night, my evening was topped off with making some BLTs with my friend Stephanie (turkey bacon, of course)...and...setting off the smoke alarm........oh bother. It went off eventually, though. No big deal. =) We also watched Ponyo, which is very cute, I thought. We then proceeded to watch Easy A, which in retrospect was an odd choice in movies to watch together, but I liked them both. Easy A was surprisingly witty and made some solid references to those classic 80's movies, such as Say Anything, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, etc. Not a bad way to spend a Thursday, if I do say so myself.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summers.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Rex Racer X

Happy Monday, all!

I don't really have much to say at the moment, I just wanted to make a list of a few things I found on the internets recently.

10 Things I Love Monday!
Japandroids! Post-Nothing.

This really amuses me.

Not only is it a fort, it is a musical fort!

Sooooo cool.

He was a genius, afterall.

Adventure Time!

Penguins are one of my favorite animals.

I felt this to be applicable

One of my all time favorite movies. One of my all time favorite beanies.

Blink kills me like violence =)

Well, bye now.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Motorcade of Meant-to-be's

"and there's no way to know
our future foe scenarios
that's when it turned on me
where bobby pins hold angel wings"

Well, hey!

This has been a busy week for some. It is the start of summer vacation for many people I know; some of my friends have been off on their class trips, some are on vacation, and today and this weekend, some will be graduating. Exciting times. I feel kind of lame, myself, but I'm not dwelling. My time will come. =) Despite this indecisive weather (hot, cold, rain, hot, etc), the summer has been really relaxing so far. I stayed up very late last night watching Firefly with a friend who is staying at our house for the remainder of the week. My dog loves her and she enjoys Pineapple Orange Juice almost as much as I do!

I've been stuck in an old school punk/alt/grunge phases lately. I've been listening to early Alkaline, Green Day, and even some newer garage/noise rock like Japandroids and whatnot. So lots of distorted guitars and lo-fi going on. I love it. As much as I love clean, pretty harmony-filled music, some good old fashion rock and roll 'noise' is always fun and makes me all nostalgic.

I hope all is well with you kids.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Our Heads are Just Houses Without Enough Windows

Some people speak incessantly without any sort of thought process or filter between what pops into their mind to what comes out their mouth in the form of words. People can be so outspoken sometimes. It isn't always a negative aspect, sometimes a person genuinely has interesting opinions and remarks to think aloud and they just turn into pleasant conversation. Other times, however, it seems as if certain persons just feel the need to speak because they can or to take up time, and no, as my fellow Star Wars fans can agree, the ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

Side note: Nothing happened to set me off on this strange rant, I was just thinking about the topic and thought I would set it free into the blogosphere.

It's interesting that, on average, a person speaks around 15,000 words a day (women, a bit more than men), but sometimes these can be shallow interactions with 'acquaintances' and the people we most care about can go left out. I know that a lot of the times I can be more of an observer than I am outgoing and conversational, but I think it's a good notion to take the time and say things that matter every so often. Read and discuss a new book or a good bit of music. Ask someone how their day went and genuinely be interested. It's the whole quality vs. quantity argument. Set your words with a purpose. Peace, love, and happiness, man. =)

Well I suppose that's my thought for the day. Notice that I didn't feel the need to quote John Mayer ('Say What You Need to Say')

Whatever, I'm allowed to be spontaneous (aka random).


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You Are My Voice, My Microphone

Hey there,

Summer. Yay! It really felt like the summer was upon us, today. It was so very very hot. Hace calor, for real. Despite that small, slightly bothersome detail, it was a not so bad day. I went to McKay's with a couple pals and actually made a purchase. I found Pablo Honey for under $5! How in the world was I supposed to pass that up?! I am thrilled, to say the least. I love CD hunting, it soothes my soul. I could honestly do it for hours. We topped off our successful trip with some Taco Bell. I even treated myself to some Baha Blast, due to my good mood. It was a simple day, but I enjoyed it and hope everyone is enjoying their summer thus far.

Yeah, this is just a short, little post, but I felt like it.
Queue random assortment of unrelated pictures from various internet locations:

Peace out.