Friday, September 16, 2011

Hitchin' a Ride


This week has been a bit stressful and/or annoying at times. My mom's car was involved in a wreck and is totaled. Therefore, she has been using mine, leaving me without my own transportation. I've been bumming a ride to and from school from my sister, but that means that I'm just at her mercy as to when we leave and get places. I just got my car back today and am so happy to have it again!

I've haven't really been listening to anything lately as a side effect of not having my car - where I do the majority of my listening to tunes. Today, however, I've been jamming to American Idiot. Letterbomb is playing at this very moment, in fact.It is one of my favorite concept albums, for sure. Billy Joe is just a pop punk genius. Seriously, people. When I did get my car back, my Nirvana CD (Nevermind) was MIA. I was distrought that I had somehow lost it. As it turns out, my mother had 'borrowed it' so she could play it in her office at work. Oh mother.....

(I feel like I'm being terribly sporadic. Sorry. Transitions aren't my forte anyways and I'm tired, so I'm extra bad at this writing stuff.)

I didn't feel like making a 'list' persay, this week, but here are some pictures I like.
Happy Weekend.

Friday, September 9, 2011

O Green World

Good evening,

So yet another week is coming to a close and I'm feeling a little tired. Don't get me wrong, I am secretly enjoying this school business. It gives me somethng to do, even if that something may not always be the most fun. I like getting back in the swing of things, though, let's be can be a touch stressful at times.

The weather has actually started to cool down. It was so loverly outside, today. The sun was peaking out from the clouds that have essentially been ever-present for days now. It was nice not getting rained on =) Also, I revisited the Gorrilaz album, Demon Days. It really is a grand album. I suggest it, it is definitely worth your time.

Well, I know these are pretty much all I do on the blogosphere these days, but oh well. Here ya go:

10 Things I Love, Friday!

I love Jolly Ranchers

Neat idea

I want to live there!

How'd he get in there? =P

I think I'd like to try that someday

Pretty picture and who doesn't love Nemo?

I like foxes

Oh those two....

Good golly, Miss Molly!!!

This is loverly art

Have a good weekend =)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Speak Slow, Tell Me Love, Where Do We Go?

So, the future has been on my mind lately. School is starting and I'm kind of scared. I'm excited that I will have my friends with me, but is so intimidating sometimes. Also, I'll be turning 21 soon. That's a large milestone, I'd say. Don't worry, I don't foresee any crazy partying and drinking going down. Probably just better concerts, at the most.

Life has been good lately, though slightly tiresome. Just feel like I have a lot on my plate, but some of it's good, so I can't complain =)

Let's cut to the chase:

10 Things I Love Friday!

Just saw DCFC last Thursday. One of the best shows I've ever been to!

I really think this is funny

I know the summer is almost over, but I really love these


This is kind of late, but still amusing

Makes sense to me!

I think it's a neat, little car.


This is really cool and pretty. I love the colors

One word: Vans!

Happy Sabbath everyone!

Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm on My Feet, I'm on the Floor, I'm Good to Go

'All I need is just to hear a song I know'


I feel like this has been a busy week, between working and driving down to the atl for my mom's doctor's appointment for her newly hurt knee. Some good stuff has happened, as well, though. Just yesterday, I watched Lilo and Stitch with one of my bestest friends and then went to the Yellow Deli for the first time. Yes, I know, I have been missing out. The sandwich I ordered was delicioso, as was the banana milk. It's a cool little place, with lively music. I reccommend it.

Afterwards, I went to Raccoon Mt. with a group of kids; some I knew and most that I didn't. Everyone was really nice and we played some interesting card games in between some sight-seeing. Not a bad way to spend a lazy Thursday afternoon, if you ask me (see number 9 on my list).

On an unrelated note, here's my 10 Things I Love Friday List:

Her body will lie in the theatre forever....haha

That looks super cozy


That looks like a quaint, little place to live

I need more ugly sweaters!

Tegan and Sara. 'Nuff said.

I really like this.


This is really beautiful

Raccoon Mountain! (with great lighting)

Yellow Deli!

Thanks for reading, friends.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Salt, Sweat, Sugar on the Asphalt

T.G.I.F. homies,

I hope everyone has had a fun week. Mine hasn't been too shabby. Today was pretty fun, I actually busted out my bicycle - which required some major dusting off and air in the tires - and road around my neighborhood with my favorite Cuban buddy, Stephanie. No biggie. She rode my awesome bmx-type-little-kid bike from my childhood. Epic. Our friend, Danny, picked up a pizza later on today. It was delicious. It was devoured.

In other news, I am starting to really want a Mac or laptop at all. I've been playing with my little brother's mac, tinkering around on garage band, etc. and it is fun, I won't lie. That's just a thought.

10 Things I Love, Friday!

Fresh blueberries are the best.

haha Nice

They look like they are having great, summery fun

Best hat evar! (Chris and Danny, I thought of you)

Happy Endings. Funny show.

("I do not trust teachers who refuse to give our letter grades. I mean, I get it, we're all 'snowflakes,' but some of us are better, smarter snowflakes who studied for the test.")

I happen to love giraffes

7. ladies r us

lawlz. That's some bad attitude up in hurrr


Reading, I've been doing it more, recently.
There are so many good books out there in the universe.

Well, there you have it; that's my random list, on time and errthing. Have a good weekend. Be safe and don't forget to come back, all my buddies who are going on northern and beachy adventures this upcoming week. I'll miss you!


p.s. Go listen to some Jimmy Eat World. I'm borrowing Bleed American from my buddy, Taylor. Soooo great!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stop Whispering, Start Shouting

Okay, the procrastination ends here! Let's get to it.......Bonnaroo!
-Warning, this might be kind of lengthy-

As an 'avid' follower of this thrilling blog detailing the adventures and misadventures of my life, I'm sure you are aware that I, along with my friends Scott and Alexis, attended the 10th anniversary of Bonnaroo Music Festival in Manchester, TN. 6 days of intense heat, music, heat, dust, people, and heat!

Oh man. I don't know exactly where to begin on my tale/overview. Our first day there, we were sent to and stationed at the wrong campground for our designated volunteering positions. This was slightly worrisome at the start, but we opted to stay where we were, mostly because we had already commenced the setting up of our tent and campsite, but also because our neighbors seemed like really cool peeps whose company we would enjoy. This ended up being a wise decision. Our neighbors were from Kentucky (Lexington, if you cared to know) and offered to share a spare tarp they had to create a little shady spot between our cars that we helped to hold up with some sticks of bamboo. How resourceful!

Exhibit A:

The Kentucky crew, Rachel, Danny, and Marisa were really interesting, cool people with excellent taste in music and movies, as well as being a lively, sarcastic group. I enjoyed hanging out with them in the evenings and whatnot. Some other neighbor buddies included a girl from NY, Michelle, Adam from NC, and a guy from Boston, Tappan.

All of us were volunteers and had our various shifts around 'roo, but our supervisors supplied us with free water (thank goodness!!!) and our schedules allowed us to see just about every band we came to see. We started off with a bit of moshing to Wavves, where we found another cool kid, Mike, who joined us for a few other shows like Best Coast, the Decemberists, etc. Have I mentioned that the people there were super cool? They were. There is a lot of hype about everyone being on drugs and being drunk, but I was fortunate enough to have a sober group with me, as well as finding new 'roo buddies who were there for the music, as opposed to the partying, as well. Refreshing, for sure.

There were lots of non-music attractions there, as well. There was a water slide, a Ferris wheel, a giant cuckoo clock that shot flames from it's bum on the hour, a cinema tent, a comedy tent, and tons of really interesting vendors. I watched Garden State and then had the opportunity to attend a Q and A with Zack Braff. I waited from about 10 AM to 2 PM to do so, not to mention this was after an all night shift (meaning that I had no sleep that night. None at all). It was definitely a highlight for me, though. The vendors were neat too. They had a lot of art, 'roo merch, handcrafted jewelry and fun little instruments, body art, and random little nick-knack shops. There was also plenty of food! It was pretty pricey, but there was a wide variety and the portions were more than satisfactory. Volunteers received 3 meal tokens and I chose some delicious pizza, burrito (the size of my head) and some Asian food. So very yummy.

The heat was dreadful, to say the least. You could, literally, not sleep past about 7 AM, because by that time it was so hot that one would just bake in their tent. Not fun. I was lucky enough not to get sunburned, but I was one of the lucky few. Standing in a huge field, watching and waiting on shows, meant lots of standing in the hot June sun. It was well worth it, though. The bands we saw, such as the Strokes, Ray Lamontagne, the Black Keys, Pretty Lights, Freelance Whales, Beirut, Mumford and Sons, etc. were just fantastic. (Beirut was probably my favorite to see).

The whole atmosphere was really awesome - emphasis on the 'awe'. I feel really blessed to have gone and met the people I did and see the bands there.

p.s. The pictures I took there were on disposable cameras that haven't yet been developed, so here are some Internet photos I found until I can upload the real thing.
