Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mine is Ours


To those of you who are unaware, Cold War Kids recently released their latest album, Mine is Ours. It was today, in fact. I am currently listening to it in hopes that it is splendid and pleasing to the ears. I'm only on the first song so I can't really give my initial thoughts yet. You should listen to it, though, because they are a good band.

Wow, that turned more promotional than I intended. Back to me =)

To be honest, I don't have a whole lot to say, nor do I necessarily have a plan with this post. I merely thought it was about time for an update and am just going to type for a bit and hope that something worth while comes, out as a result. I've been playing some guitar here and there, I've been reading a few books at once, due to being A.D.D., and I just realized that I've eaten nothing today, but cashews. I love them! (I have an emergency stash in my car, in fact). It's hard to stand the level of excitement that my life currently holds, I know.

It is good to take inventory of one's life every now and then, though. I have gone through some drastic changes as of late. I don't do well with change. To be honest, it kind of freaks me out. I like to have a routine. Yes, I have some slightly OCD tendencies, but this is nothing like that. This is LIFE. Indeed, as we grow older we change and adapt to our newly discovered "maturity," but certain things are more readily accepted than others. Being an adult is a daunting task. I don't know that I can handle it, some days. It is a hard change to go through, this independency and responsibility stuff, you know? I guess I just have to take things in stride and keep in mind that I have a great God, and good family and friends that I can turn to.

That's my eclectic blog for today. Thanks

Friday, January 14, 2011

Basic Space

I'll take you in pieces
We can take it all apart
I've suffered shipwrecks right from the start
I've been underwater, breathing out and in
I think I'm loosing where you end and I begin
Basic space, open air
Don't look away, when there's nothing there

Salutations and happy Friday, kiddos

This has been a strange and somewhat dismal week for me (the latter half, to be specific), but I hope everyone else's weeks were splendid and filled with snowy goodness. I must say, I did quite enjoy the snow. The whole no school thing is just a win for everyone. I feel VERY sorry for the people who were trapped places, such as nurses who had to spend three days at the hospital and whatnot. I was extremely happy and thankful I was able to make it home safely. I did end up getting snowed in at a friend's house, due to poor judgement, however. It's a long story, but it worked out okay in the end. I enjoyed some Waffle House and intense sledding on Monday and was able to have some extra bro time in which I simply chillaxed and watched some good movies and ate pizza. Thoroughly enjoyable.

Well, I can't remember the last time I posted a Friday list of goodness, let alone on an actual Friday, so here we go:

Balloons! Reminds me of a certain German 80's song...

Creative snow...'creatures'

The XX. I suggest you purchase their album immediately.


Taco Bell, particularly when shared with the homies

Applesauce (original, please).
Yeah, I sound like a fatty mentioning food, but these simply happen to be what I've eaten today.
You don't know my life.

This wall! It's so lovely

I have to admit, I love a good cityscape

Cd's! My collection will hopefully be even larger (and slightly more organized) than this one day
(Note for Danny: See that Blink CD?! Awesome)

Just thought this was slightly humorous and I couldn't think of a good number 9, so there you go

This is such a neat picture. Fantastic job, person who took this photo that I stole from weheartit.com


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Know I Know I Know

"The weather is changing and breaking my stride.
I know I know I know, it's just this day
House after house, just like car after car.
You see club after club and it all seems so far
I know I know I know what else are we here for.
The same as I love you, you'll always love me too,
 this love isn't good unless it's me and you.
Stick your hands inside of my pockets, keep them warm while I'm still here.
Tell them this love hasn't changed me, hasn't changed me at all"

It's so hard to be productive sometimes; aanything involving any sort of energy is just too much to think about. School always seems like such a burden after Christmas break. After summer break, one is almost to the point where they are ready to start school to establish some semblance of a schedule and/or routine once more. I consider myself a lazy person anyways, but returning to school after break just increases the degree to which I am lazy. Not one of my strong points. Life is exhausting sometimes. Bleh.

Some high points of the day including actually playing some guitar, which I had not really picked up in...basically a month. My fingers hurt, but it was nice. It was a chill, lazy day. I folded some laundry, and decided around 3 to eat. I decided on some soup. Pretty boring, right? I know.

This kid seems to have the right idea

Bread bowls are yummy. My soup was much less magnificent than this

I just found this amusing.

Fat kitty looks how I feel

I just like this and it makes me think of Noah and the Whale

I just like this picture. Birds are cool

Monday, January 3, 2011

Firecrackers on the Front Lawn

It's 2011. So long 2010.

(A few pics I took a few years ago)

This is supposed to be some big, life-altering development, but as the song goes 'I don't feel any different.' My friend, Danny, and I were discussing on New Year's Eve that as one grows older, holidays and related dates become that much less exciting. It's a somewhat strange phenomenon, but I think it's true. This isn't the first year I've seen from start to finish and carried on through to the next one. I've been there and done that. I don't mean it in a snobby way, I suppose I'm feeling a touch apathetic or something. Change for better or worse does not occur due to a digit on the calender being modified. Change occurs due to will power. That is the purpose behind resolutions.

I am usually much too lazy to come up with resolutions, but I think they are good ideas. Motivation is hard to come by and why not use the new year as the spark to something new. It's in the name 'New Year,' and fireworks are involved, so yeah...=) I said this, but I don't actually have a resolution. Any ideas?

I did not intend to make this so pessimistic. I digress...I have experienced a lot in this past year. I have made some amazing! new friends who I really appreciate and love dearly. I learned how to play guitar. I have gone through more college, taking me that much closer to a career outside of school (which terrifies me, but it will be fine, I'm sure). I have grown and changed as a person, in general. I just hope I'm turning out okay and that as I grow older, I am able to make good choices and gain wisdom from these experiences. I suppose the only way to know is to just keep walking and find out for oneself.

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's and I wish many blessings for this new year. Cheers.
