Friday, January 14, 2011

Basic Space

I'll take you in pieces
We can take it all apart
I've suffered shipwrecks right from the start
I've been underwater, breathing out and in
I think I'm loosing where you end and I begin
Basic space, open air
Don't look away, when there's nothing there

Salutations and happy Friday, kiddos

This has been a strange and somewhat dismal week for me (the latter half, to be specific), but I hope everyone else's weeks were splendid and filled with snowy goodness. I must say, I did quite enjoy the snow. The whole no school thing is just a win for everyone. I feel VERY sorry for the people who were trapped places, such as nurses who had to spend three days at the hospital and whatnot. I was extremely happy and thankful I was able to make it home safely. I did end up getting snowed in at a friend's house, due to poor judgement, however. It's a long story, but it worked out okay in the end. I enjoyed some Waffle House and intense sledding on Monday and was able to have some extra bro time in which I simply chillaxed and watched some good movies and ate pizza. Thoroughly enjoyable.

Well, I can't remember the last time I posted a Friday list of goodness, let alone on an actual Friday, so here we go:

Balloons! Reminds me of a certain German 80's song...

Creative snow...'creatures'

The XX. I suggest you purchase their album immediately.


Taco Bell, particularly when shared with the homies

Applesauce (original, please).
Yeah, I sound like a fatty mentioning food, but these simply happen to be what I've eaten today.
You don't know my life.

This wall! It's so lovely

I have to admit, I love a good cityscape

Cd's! My collection will hopefully be even larger (and slightly more organized) than this one day
(Note for Danny: See that Blink CD?! Awesome)

Just thought this was slightly humorous and I couldn't think of a good number 9, so there you go

This is such a neat picture. Fantastic job, person who took this photo that I stole from



  1. 99 luft ballons!!!!! German ftw. : )
    I love all the japanese influence going on, especially totoro!
    I miss you!!


  2. TACO BELL BLINK AND TOTTORO! what more do you need?(and if A apple a day keeps the doctor away, and it takes MANY aplles to make apple sauce... isnt that makeing up for the days you dont eat apples?)(and spending the night at a cirtain someone's house isnt poor judgement... *smiles seductively* lol i dont know if im going to add that last little bit into the comment or not...)
