Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Our Heads are Just Houses Without Enough Windows

Some people speak incessantly without any sort of thought process or filter between what pops into their mind to what comes out their mouth in the form of words. People can be so outspoken sometimes. It isn't always a negative aspect, sometimes a person genuinely has interesting opinions and remarks to think aloud and they just turn into pleasant conversation. Other times, however, it seems as if certain persons just feel the need to speak because they can or to take up time, and no, as my fellow Star Wars fans can agree, the ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

Side note: Nothing happened to set me off on this strange rant, I was just thinking about the topic and thought I would set it free into the blogosphere.

It's interesting that, on average, a person speaks around 15,000 words a day (women, a bit more than men), but sometimes these can be shallow interactions with 'acquaintances' and the people we most care about can go left out. I know that a lot of the times I can be more of an observer than I am outgoing and conversational, but I think it's a good notion to take the time and say things that matter every so often. Read and discuss a new book or a good bit of music. Ask someone how their day went and genuinely be interested. It's the whole quality vs. quantity argument. Set your words with a purpose. Peace, love, and happiness, man. =)

Well I suppose that's my thought for the day. Notice that I didn't feel the need to quote John Mayer ('Say What You Need to Say')

Whatever, I'm allowed to be spontaneous (aka random).



  1. I feel like I'm like this sometimes! I talk too much :/
    You're great best friend!!!!!!! Love the pictures. Keep being awesome.

  2. haha Noooo! I love our conversations, don't even worry your little, cuban head over it, friend. I love you!

  3. " SAY WHAT YOU NEED TO SAY! Say what you need to SAAAAA-AAAA-AA-AA-AAAAY! Take all of your wasted honor, take all of you mixed frustrations...." need i go on? haha
