Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Come Waste Your Millions Here

Hey guys

Today started off to be a fairly ordinary day. I was let out of class early, which is always a pleasant treat, and was able to get in a bit of study time before I joined forces with Stephanie. She successfully distracted me for the remainder of the day and I am very okay with that. We went over to our home away from home: Starbucks. They were playing the funkiest music up in that joint. I was digging it, for sure, but it made me a tad sleepy (that and the fact that instead of getting a cup o’ caffeine, I went with some H20). Stephanie and I listened to some awesome music, as well. Manchester Orchestra is beautiful. Also, Stephanie introduced me to this WONDERFUL song, by Ra Ra Riot, called Boy. So basically, I loved it. It made my own "abilities" seem so inferior. Stephanie has such great taste in music. It warms my heart. =)
Taylor, one of my best friends was “ill” and therefore unable to attend a senior class camping trip this week. Naturally, Stephanie and I had to kidnap her and bring her with us to Starbucks. It only made sense, right?! Crystal, another friend of mine, was also there, but had to go to class and left us early on. We mainly just lounged about, assisted Stephanie in finishing an English paper she was working on, and listened to that super funky music. It was extremely chill until we met up with my bestest friend ever, whom I haven’t seen in ages! Cassidy was nice enough to purchase pretzels for us. Woot!
I just love a day full of friends and food. Even if we aren’t necessarily doing anything, it’s all good with these kids. Funky music is nice too.
-Sorry this post was so long and uneventful. Bleh. Here's some random pictures from that all the kids are talking about these days-

- Katelyn

1 comment:

    weheartit is the best man. : ) and CORRECTION cassidy was so nice to buy us pretzels filled with CREAM CHEESE SUCKA.

    I'm glad I distracted you. maybe i shouldn't hang out with you everyday :/.......LOL JK
