Friday, September 16, 2011

Hitchin' a Ride


This week has been a bit stressful and/or annoying at times. My mom's car was involved in a wreck and is totaled. Therefore, she has been using mine, leaving me without my own transportation. I've been bumming a ride to and from school from my sister, but that means that I'm just at her mercy as to when we leave and get places. I just got my car back today and am so happy to have it again!

I've haven't really been listening to anything lately as a side effect of not having my car - where I do the majority of my listening to tunes. Today, however, I've been jamming to American Idiot. Letterbomb is playing at this very moment, in fact.It is one of my favorite concept albums, for sure. Billy Joe is just a pop punk genius. Seriously, people. When I did get my car back, my Nirvana CD (Nevermind) was MIA. I was distrought that I had somehow lost it. As it turns out, my mother had 'borrowed it' so she could play it in her office at work. Oh mother.....

(I feel like I'm being terribly sporadic. Sorry. Transitions aren't my forte anyways and I'm tired, so I'm extra bad at this writing stuff.)

I didn't feel like making a 'list' persay, this week, but here are some pictures I like.
Happy Weekend.

Friday, September 9, 2011

O Green World

Good evening,

So yet another week is coming to a close and I'm feeling a little tired. Don't get me wrong, I am secretly enjoying this school business. It gives me somethng to do, even if that something may not always be the most fun. I like getting back in the swing of things, though, let's be can be a touch stressful at times.

The weather has actually started to cool down. It was so loverly outside, today. The sun was peaking out from the clouds that have essentially been ever-present for days now. It was nice not getting rained on =) Also, I revisited the Gorrilaz album, Demon Days. It really is a grand album. I suggest it, it is definitely worth your time.

Well, I know these are pretty much all I do on the blogosphere these days, but oh well. Here ya go:

10 Things I Love, Friday!

I love Jolly Ranchers

Neat idea

I want to live there!

How'd he get in there? =P

I think I'd like to try that someday

Pretty picture and who doesn't love Nemo?

I like foxes

Oh those two....

Good golly, Miss Molly!!!

This is loverly art

Have a good weekend =)