The life of Katelyn has been a bit...different, for lack of a better word, as of late. It's interesting how things that one tries so fervently to prevent and anguishes over again and again seem to happen despite it all. They just occur as if all the headache and stress they have caused never existed or meant anything whatsoever. What in the world, life?
One can never hope to expect what the future brings. Some days things go according to plan and schedule and everything works out like we want it to. Other days, however, no matter how hard we try to stay on task, do the right thing, etc. life throws us a curve ball and sends us spiraling out of control. There will always be variables that a person cannot always foresee and adjust to. That is both the gift and curse of life.
Well, that's my little rant for the day. Sorry it was so depressing, I'm ill (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, chills, body ache, etc) and it has been raining a lot. It is only the middle of the week and I feel as if I have gone through a week's worth of stress, and other school-related trivialities and burdens. I think I'm going to go drink some hot chocolate and try to be in a better mood. Good grief.
So, I was sitting, eating my oatmeal that has the sugary dinos in it (the only kind I eat. It's is delicious!) and I was thinking about this mix my friend, Danny, and I are currently working on. It is a 90's mix. I happen to LOVE the 90's. Good times, for shizzle. Thinking of classic music for the CD has really been a sentimental experience. There is SOOOO much good music out there! Honestly, I could make multiple cds devoted to particular genres. The songlist is super long and continuing to grow. Danny has excellent taste in music and knows so many bands. It makes my head feel like it's going to explode sometimes...but in a good way. =) I am always glad to share and/or spread the knowledge of good music. I'm enjoying this little project immensely.
My goodness, I love music and my friends. I hang with the coolest kids in the world. I honestly feel like the odd one out sometimes, but I'm glad I have them. They have such good taste in music and are a thoroughly humorous bunch. It warms my heart.
Meanwhile, back on the ranch....
Other than being a busy bee with school and homework and whatnot, I've been doing pretty well lately. Halloween just came and went, in case you were unaware. My besties and I were zombies. It was fantastic. We went trick or treating for a bit then kidnapped my cousin, Chris, and headed out to Waffle House! It has become a tradition among our little group. Choosing some jazzy tunes on the jukebox and eating tasty waffles always makes for a wonderful evening. After Casa de Waffles, we attempted to watch Nightmare Before Christmas (on VHS...yes, it matters), but by 12:30 decided it was getting too late and had to put it off until a later time. All-in-all it was another successful, candy-filled Halloween.